

Tuesday, August 14, 2012


    How can you earn money by using neobux

 for  free regi

                         Now every one discussing earning  money from the internet . every one.  some one teach it in there classes.  some one publish there advertisement in the internet, newspaper, and television.  You can earn 500$  (US dollar) ????  is it true that?/
Okay let we see, 
I followed up that every thing which they  were said.  At last I was find one thing .

 What is it?

E-Money ??

In This investment , you don’t invest money , in possibly . I certify it in my personal experience , it is, totally free we are dally use internet, facebook, skype , get you money? Can you earn ?  no it cant , but  see this  below .

You can free register and do proceed this very easy

What is this ?,]

It is       Neo bux  ….
see this  >> 


This is the best web side which you can earn money easy

           Some one earn $ 500, $1000 in this website , you don’t invest any money in this website , but if you want to invest this site, yes it is can , and your decide..
You have to do in this web site ,
You need to watch there advertisement     in this site, you spend only 15 mint for a day,

Okay let we see , how to register in neo bux  web site in free

Step 01 – firstly you need a online bank account (eg . payza, paypal, neteller )
       If you don’t have a online bank account clickthis and create a bank account free

Step 02..   after that  click this label for free register neo bux 

Step 02..   then you will see neo bux web site , click  register button

Step 03   fill this form

username- type your user name (ex-  kamal5)

password- give the password .

password confirmation-   again type it .

email-  give your email address

Alertpay/paypal email-  give your online bank account e mail address (payza ot, paypal,,,,)

Referrer- don’t do anything

Birth  year- birth day

verification code-verity type the latter from the box


okay  now you verify your neobux account by your E-mail address

now you end the create your account
now  you need see your advertise your account everyday .  ( for refer  find internet  neo bux details you can learn more ) 
                                                          thank you see again

Friday, August 10, 2012



The PAYZA account is a internet bank account. We can money sent and receive in the internet.    If  you want to receive  the E- money from internet ptc bux account or other wise , then you need payza account. Okay, let we see that, how create a payza account free.

Please click on this banner to create payza

After that you can get see this window.

you need to select the personal stator  in this window

after you should fill this form, which you get.  Specially  never forget to keep in your correct personal date in this form. Because this is the bank account your own ....

If you don’t know your postal code  Click thisfor get  your postal code  

give the transaction PIN number as you like. You must remember your transaction PIN , it’s  need you to send and receive money

After that  you are finished to create your payza account,

                       Thank you 
 Click here for know to earn money free. from internet